The paintings presented at the solo exhibition of Alexey Klokov were highly appreciated by public and press and accepted with enthusiasm. He is rightfully considered as one of the highly demanded Russian artists. It is not a coincidence that his exhibition was held at Beverly Hills which is known world-wide for its high status. The organizers of the event wished to maximally represent the multi-faceted talent of the artist who has been named by the collectors and professionals of the art «Russian virtuoso dancing gracefully and effortlessly between styles and genres». As it was mentioned in the press, «…his brushstrokes enrapture the viewer by a veritable cornucopia of color and improvisation sweeping one away into the created universe of the painting». Based on the high interest in Alexey’s art, the organizers made a decision to prolong the exhibition that was initially planned to showcase on February 2-8th. Selected Press – The Hollywood Times, News Los Angeles, Hollywood Glam Magazine, Cold Heat News, Joe Bloch New York, Cytick Magazine…