- Париж-Москва, новая коллекция
A few months ago Alexey Klokov received a commission from Lena Lenina to produce one hundred oil paintings for her vacation homes in elite Cambridge and Marseille cottage villages. Following the latest world trends and her own intuition, the famous model and TV personality decided to change her permanent residency from Paris to Moscow. Lena, who is known to have a «champaign taste», in order to get the best in her new residencies, followed one simple guideline: have the best available. You can learn more about this in her own interview. Her only condition was to create artworks in monochromatic tonality, some in black and white and others – in white and gold colours. Lena Lenina could afford this especially considering the fact that she had a Russian oligarch as a sponsor. Monochromatic paintings were never a challenge for Alexey Klokov although as we all know they are the most difficult ones to achieve. The main reason for the diva to choose Klokov was his reputation and ever growing investment attraction.