Aleksey Klokov and Gianni Maimeri in Academy of Art


The series of master classes of Alexey Klokov and Gianni Maimeri, the owner of the Italian manufacturer of paints «Maimeri»*, took place in the Russian Academy of Arts. There were the lectures on the secrets of the art in live improvisation within the contract of representation of «Maimeri» in the Russian art market. *Maimeri – the modern Italian factory-lab, the world’s premier leader in the manufacture of paints. It was founded in 1923 by the artist Gianni Maimeri, who laid down the basic strategy for the company to “transfer the true beauty and purity of the colors by any means” for many years. Currently, the owner of the company is Gianni Maymeri, the eponymous grandson of its founder.

adminAleksey Klokov and Gianni Maimeri in Academy of Art